Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP motor board, PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.2 Is the LED on the PFP motor board lit without flashing? Yes 3 No Check if the connector pins are disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited.Check if the connector CN371 on the LGC board is disconnected.Check if the connector CN241 on the PFP board is.Check if the connector CN245 on the PFP board is disconnected.Check if the connector J952 of the PFP motor is disconnected.Remedy: 1 Is the PFP motor working? (Perform the output check: 03-109/159) Yes 2 No.(the case that paper can be fed from any drawer except the PFP) Description: PFP motor abnormality: The PFP motor is not rotating normally.Check if the PFU transport roller is overloaded.Check if there is any scratch on the caliber or the shaft of each gear.Check if there is any damage to the row of the bypass unit gears.Check if the bypass feed roller is overloaded.Check if there is any damage to the roller coupling.Check if the 1st drawer feed roller is overloaded.Harness check 1st/2nd drawer feed roller.Check if there is any damage to the developer drive output coupling.Check if the proper amount of grease is applied to the caliber or the shaft of each color developer drive gear.Check if there is any scratch on the caliber or the shaft of each color developer drive gear.Check if there is any damage on the tooth surface of the color developer drive gears.Check if there is any foreign matter in the row of the color developer drive gears.Check that the motor is rotated normally.Paper feeding/developer unit drive motor Check if the proper amount of grease is applied to the caliber or the shaft of each gear.Check if there is any damage on the gear tooth surface.Check if there is any foreign matter between the gears.Development drive unit/Paper feeding drive unit Check if the amount of developer material is proper.Check if there is any abnormality in the row of gears on the rear side of the developer unit.

Check if the developer material is caked.Causes: Developer unit Feeding/developing drive unit Paper feeding/developer unit drive motor Drum TBU drive unit LGC board 1st/2nd drawer feed roller Bypass unit Paper feeding drive section Transport roller.Description: Developer drive motor abnormality: Thedeveloper drive motor is not rotating normally.